Sunday, May 22, 2011

Inspired by new customers...

It is great to hear that people out there are waiting babies arrival in order to buy a Inspired by Paper frame. Thanks Amy for contacting me after seeing my frames at markets and ordering a frame for the arrival of Eloise. I was able to get the frame to her within 48 hours. Remember that you can contact me any time and if it is a existing design, then I can get it to you straight away! Thanks Amy for ordering the frame and looking forward to seeing you at markets again in the future.

Inspired by simple photo frames...

I purchased these photo frames a while ago and was annoyed when the sizes written on the frame were different to the actual size! So they went in a box and forgotten about. When cleaning up over Easter I re-discovered them and deicded to add a simple little design so people can use them for a single 4 x 6' photo. The brothers one sold at a market but I still have the Sisters and the Family one available. Please let me know if you would like to buy one.

Inspired by Piccadilly Market...

I was very excited to be a part of the Picadilly Market for small people. Piccadilly market is in Geelong and it was the first time they had one solely for babies and kids. It was also the first time that Inspired by Paper had a stall there. It was at a great venue- on the waterfront in Deakin University- and the rain held off so people were more that happy to venture out of the house and visit the market! Many prams and toddlers came through the door and it was great to meet some new customers. Below is a photo of my stall and the venue. You can see the new addition to my stall... the ladder! I know a lot of stall holders use ladders in their setup and when doing a garage cleanup over Easter, I found this one and it is great to hang a few frames on it.

Heading to a market in Geelong, the first thing that came to my head was the Geelong football team. So I set myself a task of making a Geelong based frame for all the Cats supporters that would be going to the market. One of them got purchased and the name Gus was added. It is Gus' birthday this week and is a big Cats fan and I hope he likes his gift! I look forward to heading to another Piccadilly market in the future.

Inspired by bright colours....

It is great to get custom orders as I find it a challenge to come up with the design. This frame I had a request for planes, trains and boats and in red, blue and green. I selected bright shades of those colours and added some yellow. I was really happy with the final piece and I look forward to seeing a photo of it in Charlie's room!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Inspired by who is actually reading this....

So I recently saw that I had over 2000 blog hits. Yay!! But then it got me thinking... Who are all these readers? I therefore went on my Stat Counter- a page I dont visit often enough. Here I can see things like what web page you came from, how long you were on the page and what suburb your computer is in. But it doesn't tell me who you are. I can see your IP address but that doesn't tell me your name. I saw that there is someone in Hoppers Crossing that has looked at my page 193 times. Who are you mystery visitor?
Have you stumbled here accidently and quickly moved on to the next page? Have you come here from a link from a market I am attending? I often wonder about the people that visit so frequently if they come to get inspired by my products and perhaps make their own... I am always wondering.
So if you have come to this page and are reading this post (and not come to look at the pictures) it would be great for you to leave a comment and let me know who you are and why you like to visit my page.
Thanks for sharing....

Inspired by Donna Hay...

I always use this blog to write about what I have been creating with paper whether it be cards, frames, birthday books. I want to start to change it up a bit and start to include more about what else inspires me, who inspires me or just what else I have been doing!
I will start it off with my purchase of the latest Donna Hay magazine. I had told myself that I need to not buy anymore magazines or cook books. I have far too much. Way too much actually. And I don't seem to use many of them. Actually it has been a while since I have used any of them. I used to love finding new things to cook for dinner, but the hours of my 'real job' and trying to keep up with Inspired by Paper orders, the time in the kitchen is limited. Sorry, I am getting sidetracked. Back to Donna Hay. It stood out to me in the supermarket as it had one of my favourite things on the front... Donuts. Yes, it contains recipes of a selection of donut recipes. Each one I read and licked my lips. Filled with jam, filled with custard, filled with chocolate. Oh which one would I cook?
Well last weekend I had a family member staying from interstate and she too spotted the magazine and got excited. We decided to go with the traditional jam donuts. It definitely took a lot longer than we realised. We couldn't help but have a laugh when the first step was to put some ingredients in a bowl and leave it for something like 40 minutes. So it was back to the couch for a while. The final product can be seen below. When I comment on the taste, I can say that they were nice. Not the greatest when compared to the Footscray station donuts (local readers will know exactly what I am talking about) but they were still worth the effort and they were all consumed.


Graphic Design by Polka Dot Dandy