Thursday, August 19, 2010

Inspired by my little man Charlie...

For those that follow me on my facebook page, you would have seen my updates about my little sewing adventure. When one of my close friends gave birth to Charlie, of course I needed to make him a gift. I thought they would be expecting a frame, or some sort of paper product so I thought I would mix it up a bit and attempt something with the needle and thread. I purchased a pattern for these great little owls. Can you believe these are actually made out of baby socks? They are so cute. I called on the help of my friend Evette who was great in helping me understand the instructions and the stitches needed. The first one I created was my 'practice one' and definitely wasn't good enough to make the final cut. So then I continued on and made the 4 owls below.

The next challenge I was face with was getting these made into a mobile. It was a lot easier said than done. I went to the park and hunted for some perfect looking sticks and then attempted to make all the owls balance. Mmm... this cause some frustration, especially when it was looking like this.... yes very un-balanced!

Eventually I got it sorted but then was faced with another issue. I had purchased the stand (or what I learnt is called a 'crook') and didn't like the the colours on the little part that created the music, so I decided to cover it to match the rest of the mobile.
So it was all complete and ready to give to Charlie and is shown below. If only I was quicker in getting it made though- a mobile was bought for Charlie in the days prior as he didn't have one. Damm!

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